The World Needs Masculine Energy

We need to work as much as to rest, to be interested in the agenda of the outside world as much as to retreat to find ourselves, to compete with others from time to time, to be strong enough to deal with difficult situations. In other words, masculine energy!

Let us repeat here once again a fact that we all know and even live.
Today’s world is full of stress.
Most of us work hard in a very competitive environment.
We are under constant stress.
Our burdens are very heavy.
We have intense fears about the future, we feel helpless from time to time.

These and similar situations can cause severe anxiety disorders in us, and we naturally look for ways to feel good, secure, happy and peaceful. In this search we come across meditation practices, mindfulness studies, deep retreat camps.

Thousands of self-help books about leaving competitive environments and embarking on a journey of self-knowledge may catch our eye on the shelves.

Perhaps there are friends in our close circle who have left everything behind and started a new life in Urla…

All these are valuable studies, suggestions, ideas. It is true that we modern people have a deep need for peace, happiness, tranquillity and security.

In the modern world, which is moving at an insanely fast pace, people naturally need to stop, to calm down, to retreat into their own world.

But we need to remember one important thing. We need to work as much as we need to rest, we need to be interested in the agenda of the outside world as much as we need to retreat to find ourselves, we need to compete with others from time to time, we need to be strong enough to deal with difficult situations.

Masculine energy!

The world needs healthy, balanced, strong masculine energy more than ever. Masculine energy is the ruler, the mobiliser, it makes the world go round. And we should not forget that in order to achieve inner peace and fulfilment we often have to learn to exist in the outer world in a healthy way.

How do we learn?
By practising the masculine energy, of course.

Let’s take a look at the most basic principles of masculine energy.See how you are doing with these principles.



Self-management principle

The greatest indicator of strong masculine energy is the ability to lead. Do you know what the first step is to being a leader, to influencing and mobilising the social environment? Managing yourself.

The outside world can be very entertaining and seductive from time to time. A strong and balanced masculine energy, on the other hand, requires the person to be the leader of himself first. To be disciplined, to be able to manage your weaknesses, to be able to say no is a sign of a strong character.

Just as a leader does what needs to be done, a person with strong masculine energy does exactly what needs to be done in their own life.

Without procrastination, without whining!



Principle of action

Masculine energy is about taking action. It is in the nature of masculine energy to do what needs to be done without procrastinating, putting it off or making excuses. Life rewards those who take action, not those who have great ideas. The masculine energy derives all its charm and indispensability from action.

What needs to be done, just needs to be done! Without waiting.



The principle of silence

To be in constant motion, to be too absorbed in the outside world, to talk too much, shatters the masculine power and weakens it. A person with strong masculine energy is not disturbed by silence; the ability to remain silent makes one a very good observer, and being a good observer will strengthen the personality.

Good observation will be a beacon to be directed not only to one’s surroundings but also to oneself. The ability to be silent, to withdraw from time to time, nourishes and strengthens the masculine power from within.

And silence gives us another power:
The power to be a good listener.

Without listening and clearly understanding the other person, it is impossible to make the right decisions. The first step to taking the right action is to make the right choices.

The ability to be silent is a real masculine power.



The principle of staying in focus

Masculine energy is about being strong. Real power, however, is the ability to stay in one’s centre and focus beyond physical strength in the classical sense. The ability to stay in one’s own agenda, to the exclusion of what is happening in the outside world, is real masculine power.

Plans, goals and desires waiting to be realised pass through a disciplined action plan.The important thing is to stay in control of your life by staying true to your reality.


The principle of risking unpopularity

It is very tempting to be loved, admired and approved by everyone. But there is another situation that is just as valuable as being loved, and sometimes more valuable than being loved:

Being respected.

We may be loved and flattered by those ar ound us, but this does not always translate into respect. People respect people they find adequate and whose work they trust. Being fair, being reliable, being good at what you do and being knowledgeable are some of the steps to being a respected person.

And, of course, being able to set boundaries well, to say no when necessary, and to make some tough, radical decisions are the building blocks of being a respected person.

Of course we want our close circle, family and friends to like us, but it is always a hundred per cent clear preference of the masculine energy to be respected rather than liked by the wider world.

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